The Hungry Toddler

Bib: BibaDo, Chair: Ikea, Spoon: Doddl,
Plate: BambooBamboo, Food: Rice with mutton curry

N’s turning 18months in a couple of weeks! I cannot believe it’s been 6 whole months since she turned one. Time, please slow down!

One of the things I’ve noticed since she turned one is that her appetite has increased. She’s never really been a big eater. My mom says all the time that N doesn’t eat a lot at one sitting, but she constantly needs small meals through the day. I used to be able to get away with just snacks (baby chips, fruits, yoghurt) for the evenings but nowadays I find that I have to actually prepare a whole meal!

Pepperoni & Cream Cheese Burger, Berries & Honey Pancakes

This was the snack I prepared and brought to the Bird Park yesterday. She ate them all but the pancakes (tried to feed them to the birds), then had some beans and apples and grapes from her grandmama’s lunch!

Today I made Cinnamon & Apple Blender Muffins which turned out to look wonky, but tasted great nonetheless. Let me show you:

Apple & Cinnamon Muffins

She had just one muffin but this was loaded with oats so it’s pretty filling!

Now, your 18month-old probably eats more than this but like I said, N has never been a big eater. She’s following her Mama, all petite but strong and feisty, heh!