Hello 2021! On behalf of everyone, 2020 was a weird one so please be better.
I know, I know, where have I been, right? My last post was in October and trust me when I say I am embarrassed about it. There are so many draft posts in my phone that never made it to this page because I either get distracted or caught up with some other important thing that it just get pushed to the back burner.
Anyway, I felt with the new year and all I should probably pick up my own slack and get back to this. I could post and backdate all the drafts but I decided I won’t – I’ll just go forward from here. And speaking of forward, yes I changed up the blog layout and design AGAIN because let’s face it, I’m a designer and I can’t help but modify and try and experiment every now and then. I’m not going to bother fixing the past posts’ layouts to fit into this new template so if you chance upon an older post and the layout has gone wonky – whoops!
I’ve also been taking the time to really think about taking what I’m building here to the next level. Ideally, I’d want to turn this platform into my job, so there’s a lot of work to get into before I can reach that goal. I always get business ideas that randomly pop into my head, then I scramble to document them in my Notes App but then it just stops there – I never actually put in effort to research and consider. So I’m setting that as a mission for 2021. Positive vibes only!
On a separate note, Mamahood continues to amaze me. N is growing up so fast before my very eyes and I find myself gripping onto little memories in fear that I may forget them forever. She still hasn’t mastered many words yet but she can tell me what she wants (and doesn’t) by pointing and nodding – the cutest thing ever. She climbs, crawls, runs, spins, breaks, throws and dances and is just a ball to be around.

There’s a lot more about her that I want to share (like how I FINALLY fixed her sleep, her recent meals, etc) but I’ll split them up into individual posts so that I can talk more about each topic.
Ah, it feels so good to be typing my thoughts away again. Till then!