But before we do let me just apologise for being so absent! I’ve been really occupied lately with things like my cat running away from home (don’t worry, I found him), starting group buys for the awesome BambooBamboo products (check out my IG – I’m trying to find a way I can earn a little from home) and just N generally being the handful she is now at this age.
Okay so I’m not a health freak or anything but I do see overall fitness as something extremely important. I’m one of those annoyingly skinny people who just won’t gain weight no matter how much I eat (a blessing most times but a curse when looking to fit into nice outfits), so when I exercise it’s never about losing weight.
And it shouldn’t always be about losing weight! While it is the most common (and I heard, the only effective) way to shed some kgs, keeping fit just makes you more energised, healthy and sharp. I see a difference in my days, my mood, my overall feels when I exercise and when I don’t.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a premium membership at some gym that I go to every morning or a YouTube playlist of Zumba workouts that I follow while N naps – I don’t have the time for that. What I do is something simpler, something more manageable and easier to commit to.

Before I got married, I used to run up to 3 times a week, 6km on average each night. I joined races and runs and really enjoyed them all. I got pregnant soon after getting married and then I stopped running – what more with a newborn. It’s not impossible, but it was too much effort and I really wanted to focus on other things. And then, well, #Covid19 lol.
But now that N is older and I can involve her, I’m really motivated to make exercise a part of our day. So we’ve recently began going for morning walks either around the neighbourhood, or to go get some groceries even, for about an hour or so.
Introducing the routine of getting out for some air and sun every morning (and clocking in some steps myself) is good for her, I’m sure. She really enjoys it too – she waves at almost everyone, she hears the motorbikes and cars zoom past, she feels the sun, she smells the air, she… yells at birds. By now she’s so used to our morning walks that she goes to her stroller herself, climbs up and settles in her seat, ready to go.
It’s not much, but I suppose it’s better than nothing. I hate the idea of lazing around when I have every opportunity to be productive and do something good for me! Plus, I feel better about my body and how I look so that’s a bonus!
The most amazing change I’ve experienced since starting these morning walks is that I’m actually having less of a hard time falling asleep at night! Yes, I usually take hours to fall asleep, and then with N still waking up multiple times in the night, it meant I would barely get any sleep at all but nowanights I find myself dozing off faster. Which means I get to get more shut-eye before N wakes up!
Some other changes I’m making in my lifestyle are drinking more (clear) water, limiting myself to just 1.5 cups of caffeine a day, taking some extra nutrients and vitamins, eating more fruits, drinking milk and just reminding myself that it’s okay to let go of some of the chores on some days.
I really want a healthier lifestyle and it’s going to take a lot of effort and discipline but I think I can do it! Here’s to trying!