As a new mom, Google became a shortcut on my phone. Anything that happened that I could not explain, I Googled. Here are some of the silly (to me) things I Googled:
- 1. How little sleep can I survive on?
Not kidding. I Googled this, I think, in the second month of being a mom and I don’t think I need to explain what drove me to find this out. What I learnt: very, very little.
- 2. Does drinking coffee keep my baby awake?
I drink coffee every morning. Every. Morning. I limit myself to one mug a day but when you’re a full breastfeeding mom, you think everything affects your milk! What I learnt: not really.
- 3. Why does my baby have so little hair?
N was not blessed with gorgeous locks when she was born. We also decided not to shave her head. At 7mo, she still needs help in that department. What I learnt: relax, they’ll have their whole lives to have hair.
- 4. When will my baby’s belly button look normal?
Yeah, I know. What I learnt: it is normal.
- 5. Does hair on the legs grow slower after giving birth?
What? Don’t judge. What I learnt: yes for some, no for others.
- 6. Is baby poop supposed to smell sweet?
Lost track of the number of times I’ve referred to the baby poop colour wheel. What I learnt: well, kinda.
There’s probably more but I can’t remember all of them at this point. Looking back, they all sound hilarious but in those moments they felt legit. It’s scary sometimes because you never know which link you click is going to lead you to some article that says your baby has a genetic disease that only affects 3% of babies. Seriously, it’s dangerous out there.
But nothing can and will stop us from “Googling” because it’s really the easiest way to get answers and/or reassurance from other moms.