So your bubbs is turning 6 months in a bit and you’re excited to introduce solids. You’ve read up on BLW for weeks and you’ve sworn that you were made to take this route. But where do you begin? What prepwork do you need to make?
When N was starting this journey, I didn’t anticipate how many things I’d need or use. It took a couple of months of trying out different things before finding the ones I feel were perfect. Here’s a list of what I use and where you can get them:
We bought the Ingenuity booster seat because I really wanted N to have her own seat at the table with us, which I feel really embraces the whole BLW concept. The seat pads are totally removable and washable and is pretty comfy. It also has a tray which you can store away under the seat when not in use (or in my case since she’s pushed up to the table, we rarely use the tray even). However, because the tray is so small, I’ve yet to find a suction plate that can fit. Next best thing: to serve directly on the tray itself. There’s no over-the-shoulder seat buckles which I like, and it attaches to my dining chair well too. I’d also say that the Antilop high chair from Ikea looks pretty good and I’m thinking of getting one for her great-grandparents’ house.
Ah, this one. I bought so so many different types to try out. From EzPz-lookalikes (because, cost), to Daiso options and then I finally found the awesome EcoRascals sectional suction bamboo plates that I love so much! The suction is really strong, the material does not stain (not even tomato puree, curry and turmeric) and I must admit the designs are so cute! It makes photo-ops that much more interesting to look at, haha! Each section is curved at the ends so it makes it easy for bubbs to scoop out food, especially before they master the pincer grip, and the multiple sections reminds us to prepare meals that include options from all three food groups. Love love love!
BLW brings about a lot of mess. A LOT OF MESS. Some mamas prefer to leave bubbs to it, some strip their bubbs down to diapers for meals and others, like me, still feel that a bib is necessary. Why? Because I do not wish to strip bubbs when we’re outside the home and I knew that with BLW, lots of food will end up elsewhere instead of their mouths so where else better than in the pocket of their bibs! N has now learnt to even scoop up fallen soldiers and pop them into her mouth! I started off with the Ikea plastic bib which was great (also cos it came in a set with a spoon, sippy and plate). But because N is on the more petite side, and the entire bib is solid, it hurt her neck and cheeks and she never seemed comfortable in it. This one was easy to wash and quick to dry but it took stains in pretty easily too. So then I decided to get more flimsy, plastic ones like these but while they fit so much better on her, the catchment part just wasn’t sturdy enough to actually collect fallen pieces. Also tried the famous Kladdig from Ikea and loved the fact that it covered her whole body, but the problem with the flimsy catchment still existed.
Enter: OXO TOT roll-up bib. I freaking love this, guys. It combined both my requirements – a flimsy plastic body area that would fit nicely on N, with a sturdy-enough catchment attachment. This item even has a bonus feature of being able to roll up and snap close which makes it super easy to pack and bring out. MAD LOVE PLEASE. BUY THIS.
When N started solids at 6 months, she also began taking in plain water. Her first cup was a spout cup from Philips which she took to really well. Then she graduated to a bigger one because she was drinking quite a bit more. Then three days after I bought her the bigger bottles, she decided she was ready for the straw. So after just a few days of using her new bottle, I got her this straw cup from OXO TOT which comes with handles. She now grabs, carries and drinks from this like a pro.
Yes, I know, too early right? But I have introduced N to the contraption called a spoon in the attempt to getting her used to it. She still has no idea why this toy gets to join meal times so I’ll try again when she’s a bit older. I got this set because it has the stopper which prevents bubbs from pushing it all the way in and potentially choking herself. Although, ironic to its name, I find it a little challenging for her tiny hands to grab and hold – maybe she’s just too young for it right now.
Clean up
Yes, this is on the list. Like I mentioned, the mess is a whole new level. And eventually when your bubbs is on 3 meals a day, you’ll be having a lot of mess to clean up. What do I do? This. It is literally parked next to the dining table and I just whisk it out and it does a quick job of everything that ended up on the carpet after her meal. Plus, N thinks it’s a show to watch each time this machine comes out.
Food prep
I mentioned in another post that I have the Beaba Babycook and it has been an absolute lifesaver when it comes to making N’s meals. Sometimes she can’t have our chicken because I’m cooking ours in loads of chilli so I steam her portion with other spices instead. When I’m making pancakes for her breakfast, I throw everything into the jar and blitz away. It really is so easy to use and I cannot imagine not having this at home!
I think that’s it! These are what I have and use and would recommend (not a paid ad – but gosh I’ve always wanted to say that). I’m sure there are plenty other really good stuff out there. As with everything else, every baby is different so chances are you’d need to try out a few kinds as well.
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I hope this has been a useful post! I’m keeping the comments section for this one open, just in case 🙂