I love mornings where things flow nicely. Last night N woke up every 2 hours, and by 7am I gave in and brought her onto the bed with me. We lazed around for another hour or so, reading, tickling, cozying up. Then we got up to start out day.
I spent the last 2 mornings building up a new stash of pancakes – because I had fruits to use up – and managed to replenish banana pancakes and cinnamon apple pancakes. So it was a lot easier earlier, having to just reheat a piece and squeezing out some yoghurt. N breezed through her breakfast and even had some of my Sara Lee and my donut!
It’s been a roller-coaster past couple of weeks mainly because of (the lack of) sleep. I’m not sure if it’s another regression since she’s turning 1, but N had a spell of bad nights which turned into bad nights for me too. I also had been suffering from a slight wave of postnatal insomnia (is it still postnatal if I gave birth a year ago lol) so I was running on very very low battery each day and I really had no mood for anything.
But I’ve been really pushing myself to take it easy. Reminding myself not to stress out over the littlest things like folding laundry or wiping the shelves and just take a lazy day or two. It’s not natural for me to not achieve many things in a day because I’m usually efficient and always doing something so bumming around and just letting the laundry sit for 2 days was really a miracle in my books.

Looking out the window to see such glorious weather makes me just want to get out there. I love bringing N out even for simple walks because I know she enjoys them too. Plus, I don’t see how keeping her cooped up at home benefits her in any way, so might as well touch the leaves, hear the birds, wave to people and watch the cars! Hmm where shall we go today?
I’ve also been planning play-dates so that she get her dose of social interaction with other kids of various ages – baby girl needs to meet more of her kind!
Oh yes! I also have a few more recipes to put up. Coming soon – till then!