Last month (7mo) N learnt to crawl and since then her little butt hasn’t been still for more than 2 mins tops!
She had been trying to crawl for a while before that, always getting up on all fours and rocking but never actually moving. At the same time she also learnt how to pull herself up to stand. Now she’s crawling around the dining table and doing squats by the sofa! She’s also learnt to cruise (8mo) so she really has more than one way of getting around, anywhere she wants.
With her new mobility comes more tumbles, trips and falls. She’s gotten bruises, scratches and bumps here and there but nothing has kept her from exploring the world (read: house, since #Covid19) on her own.
I had taped the corners of our coffee table with corner protectors but this little miss just tears them off and… puts them in her mouth. So gone are the protectors and gone is the dining table. Now she’s free to roam. Her favourite exercise? Catching Keiko the cat around the house (our cat is deathly afraid of her so each time she comes close, he will scurry away and so N goes on and on and on till she’s tired or Keiko gives up and decides to play dead. That’s when N will grab a fistful of his fur and… yup, put it in her mouth. I constantly have to watch her)!
She recently (8mo) also mastered clapping her hands and I swear it is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in my life. I mean. Is it not? And, she’s now gotten to doing it all the time: after every bite during meals, in the shower, with toys in her hand and even at 2am in the morning (she wakes, sits and claps with her eyes still closed)!
Some other things she’s learnt to do are: drinking from a straw, waving bye, shaking her head and swooshing her hands when she doesn’t want something, using her feet to kick/ toes to point at things below her and babble “bababa” and “mamama” to the correct person although we’re not sure yet if she’s calling us.
N’s turning 9 months in a couple of weeks and I can’t believe she’s been in the world for as long as she was baking inside me. How emotional!