I realise I haven’t ever done a proper introduction of me and I suppose (hope) that there are some new readers here now so I thought it might be timely and fun to do a quick list of things about me!
- I’m a 90s kid
- Which means I just entered my 30s
- I am the middle child
- I used to be afraid of swimming
- I took part in a singing competition on a cruise when I was 9
- I advanced to the finals but we couldn’t make it for the finale so we had to forfeit
- I used to parrot the newscaster on TV
- When I was 12, I started collecting newspaper Ads because I loved the copywriting
- I didn’t do that well for my PSLE
- And I ended up in a neighbourhood school (nothing wrong with that)
- I joined the school military band
- And learned to play the trumpet
- That was where I also learnt discipline and time management
- I took part in 4 SYF competitions and won Gold twice
- I also participated in the National Day Parade one year
- I got kicked out of Physics class once and had to sit outside
- I dislocated my jaw for the first time when I was 15
- It has happened another 6 times since then
- My friends and I got chased by a weird man once at Tampines Mall and we ended up hiding in the toilet
- I failed SS/History at my O Levels
- I didn’t get accepted into my first Diploma choice (Media Studies, TP)
- I instead was enrolled into Visual Communications, NYP
- I got kicked out of drawing class once for talking with friends and we had to sit outside
- That lecturer has since passed away, I think
- The only As I had on my transcript at graduation were for modules like “Communications”
- I intern-ed at Microsoft after Poly
- Then I worked in a small design house with 2 schoolmates
- When I was 23 I joined a Government Agency’s Communications Department
- And enrolled as a Part-time Undergraduate (Bsc Communications with Biz) at the same time
- I graduated with Merit 4 years later, top 10 in my course
- I only got the chance to travel far(ish) without my parents when I was 25
- It was to Japan, and still one of my favourite trips to date
- I skiied for the first time in my life there and we were so tired (of falling) after 1 round that we called it a day
- That reminds me, my family took a trip to New Zealand once and I freaked out while trying to feed a baby goat. The goat wasn’t the one afraid
- Also one time, my siblings and I went on a boat ride (not even on water because we were literally flying) at Batam once and I screamed my lungs out – people at the beachside could hear me
- I have worn braces twice
- And I now have fixed retainers on
- I used to rebond/straighten my hair but now it’s back to the natural curls
- I recently dyed my hair blonde
- I met my husband for the first time 11 months before our wedding
- We spent the first anniversary of knowing each other, on our honeymoon
- We honeymooned in Greece. Yes, including Santorini
- I was the one who saw this unit on PropertyGuru and conviced H to view it
- We bought the house, did renovations and moved in before our wedding
- We lived without a dining table for a while
- I loved being pregnant
- I laboured (from start till pop) for 33 hours, mostly at home
- I screamed in the labour room and got shushed by the midwife, tsk
- We then celebrated our first wedding anniversary being fresh, 2-week old new parents
- I am still traumatised from the 16 months of waking up every 2 hours because N wouldn’t sleep through the night
- I took no-pay leave from work for 6 months
- Then I extended it twice
- Before submitting my resignation in Sept 2021
- I had always dreamt of having my own brand
- I launched everydaymama.co after months of procrastination
- I’ve learnt that the only real barrier between us and our dreams is self-doubt
- I have big big plans for the business
- I don’t drink enough water
- So I suffer from headaches very often
- I got this done in 15 minutes!
Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash