August will always be a special month because not only does N turn a year older, so does our marriage! The 25th marks our second year being married and I can’t believe how fast time has flown by.
When I sit down and think about it – so much has happened in those two years but there’s also that feeling of having nothing much changed at all?
Being married has taught me many things, but the one lesson that I still struggle with is being okay with things not being okay.
It’s not easy going from only being able to see this person once every few days to suddenly living with them and seeing them everyday, including new habits and preferences that you need to get accustomed to. Being the hard-headed, stubborn, determined person I am, I usually prefer things to be done a certain way (read: my way) and I’m not embarrassed to admit it. I process and plan everything in my head way before I need to get things done so when things don’t go my way, or are done in a different way, I tend to get a little bit affected.
And then I end up picking a fight over small issues like “Why are you eating breakfast in the afternoon?” The actual question is: Why does that even bother me?!
So I’m learning to just be chill, not so uptight, let things go with the flow. I think once I achieve that, life would be more peaceful because my mind and my emotions sure will. And the more stable I am as a person, the better the wife I can be, inshaAllah.
Happy Anniversary, H!
P.S./ Last year, on the 25th itself, I spent the day nursing every 2 hours in my oversized tee, body wrap and socks, teehee.